I Can Spoon
I Can Spoon
I Can Spoon
I Can Spoon
I Can Spoon
I Can Spoon
I Can Spoon
I Can Spoon
I Can Spoon
I Can Spoon
I Can Spoon
I Can Spoon
I Can Spoon
I Can Spoon
I Can Spoon

I Can Spoon

Regular price €3,81 Sale price €7,61 Unit price per
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I Can child spoon is a Swedish invention that benefits children learning to eat. Enables children to hold the spoon better, and at the same time, stimulates dexterity development beyond what has previously been possible

I can do it myself

Does this sound familiar? To be able to explore and try for themselves is an important part of the development of a child’s abilities. The founder of the “I Can” baby spoon is really taking this seriously! The “I Can” multi grip baby spoon is a must have for all children learning to eat on their own!

Composition: Polypropene (PP) & TPE. Completely free of BPA and PVC. Dishwasher safe.

Too many spoons on the market are made for full handgrip, with the spoon in the child’s palm. I can® has a world unique flat vertical grip, which enables the child to grasp the spoon using the precision grip. The hole in the spoon enables contact between the thumb and index finger. If the child chooses it can put a finger through the spoon for stability. The child can use the lateral precision-, key-, finger-, transverse volar-, five finger- or through-thumb grip. That's why I can® has the extension name Multi Grip spoon. The child trains their fine motor skills, which is important for their development. A child that trains its precision grip will develop its dexterity better, and learn to eat quicker. This product is a revolution mostly because it trusts the child to be able to develop, rather than forcing a certain grip upon the child. Expert says - It is important early in life to have a positive experience of eating. Children wants to eat by themselves, but don’t manage to do it. A study in Sweden at Uppsala University states that: There is a clear connection for children with fine motor skills and their cognitive development

I can® is a registered trademark, patent and design patent.

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